Tag Archives: Night

LOVE that never happened..


Once on a windy day when the sky was dark
Moon on its epitome made the night bark.
The bus was late and it was already 8,
he came walking to the stop searching for his mate.

First stare at her made his heart pound,
Just as the rain pouncing on a muddy ground.
With winds that day kept her hair sway,
for a special bond to glue he started to pray.

Up he glanced at her staring her as his moon,
her name did resemble an astounding moon.
A talk of inception had ignited flies,
the journey back home was full of butterflies..

With the school days gearing on,
they started to meet more often upon.
Texting as a matter was now off the guards,
dining walks was the new talk of Scottish yards.

With a single day passing, his interests were skying,
even the app on cells were now snapping.
Reading her stories was like a fantasy gaze,
his mind was on quest like a fairy tale maze.

Par a semester, he started of being a friend to evolve into a lover,
she didn’t make her move as her intentions were never.
He kept on pressing hard for conversations to flow,
the replies were stale not letting the phone glow.

Heading ahead in time the meetings were dissolved,
he never knew the reason for this fading cause.
He waited for moments to express his thoughts,
she didn’t show interest and gave a dead glance.

The last was a time when they were clicked together,
leave alone love they weren’t even looking as friends forever.
With every passing year he thinks of her,
least to be friends though not a lover.

Her image is captured in a bus going the narrow turn,
a thought arises in mind to give a chasing run.
To this day when the bus rides along the end,
he thinks about her as ‘the LOVE that never happened’..!!

*Images courtesy: Google